Version 5.4 ~ Haruhi gave rock and roll to you.

26 July 2015: Gangsta. dropped

Hey, Alex owns more than one dress.

I started watching Gangsta. because of Noto Mamiko. The "hooker with a heart of gold" is an old trope in American television and film, but somewhat rare in Japanese anime. Mamikore heart-of-gold hookers are even less common. Through four episodes, Mamiko's character, Alex, hasn't had a lot to do and unfortunately isn't particularly interesting. Making matters worse, I don't find the two lead characters interesting either. Frankly, my eyes glazed over when the show started explaining the power levels and the dog tags used to identify skilled fighters.

Maybe they're actually like blood-type fortunes.

Really, Gangsta. strikes me as something cobbled together to appeal to anime fans who are desperate for any shows that don't contain "moé shit." I've seen a couple of comparisons to Samurai Champloo, and I suppose they are similar in the sense both shows are about two men and one woman, but that's really about as far as it goes. Besides, Samurai Champloo is vastly superior in terms of entertainment value. Gangsta. unfortunately doesn't have much in its favor; well, except that it's not "moé shit."

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