Version 5.4 ~ Haruhi gave rock and roll to you.

22 February 2022: Ranking Ranking of Kings

Not Best Girl.

Because I was watching so few shows this season, I went back and started watching a universally well-regarded (and fortuitously two-cours) series I had skipped last season: Ousama Ranking (Ranking of Kings). As it turns out, it does deserve its high praise—or at least the first cours does. In particular, seeing how the young prince navigates through the both hidden and openly hostile threats around him does a lot for getting viewers on the kid's side.

Best Girl.

Unfortunately, my enthusiasm for the show declined dramatically during its second cours. This is going to sound like a stupid complaint, but why is there so much fighting? It feels like this whole season has been endless battles. It seems as if most of the show's fans still enjoy the series, so I might be an outlier here. And it's not as if I actively dislike Ousama Ranking now, I just wish a king's ranking had more to do with his cleverness, or perseverance, or benevolence, or having an aerodynamic size queen for a stepmom, instead of having sick moves.

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